our promise

At Forgotten Luxuries, we pride ourselves in our rigorous authenticity protocol. We do not accept, sell or condone the selling of counterfeit goods. Every item undergoes a rigorous authentication process by our experts who thoroughly inspect each piece and ensure that only 100% authentic items are put on sale.

To meet the highest standards of excellence, and despite this vigorous process, we offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee in the very unlikely occasion that an item is proven to be a replica by a reputable professional authenticator, for a worry-free shopping experience. 

Find your certificate of authenticity

Every bag bought from our website will come with an Entrupy Certificate free of charge
(valued at $100.00)

Certified by Entrupy.

forgotten luxuries working with trusted sellers to source authentic designer bags
Authentication Process


We source exclusively from trusted and certified suppliers, all of whom are experts who undergo rigorous training in authentication.
forgotten luxuries rigorous authentication process authenticity checklist to guarantee authentic bags
Authentication Process


Upon receiving the item, each piece undergoes a rigorous authentication process conducted by our in-house experts to guarantee authenticity.
Forgotten Luxuries partnered with Entrupy showing off authentication process and device used to authenticate designer bags
Authentication Process


In the final step of our authentication process, we ensure our clients' peace of mind by submitting each product through Entrupy. Their AI analyzes highly-magnified images against millions of records in a vast database to verify the authenticity of every item.